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system image中文是什么意思

用"system image"造句"system image"怎么读"system image" in a sentence


  • 系统映象


  • If the device supports a system image surface ; otherwise ,
  • Microsoft windows help system images
    Microsoft windows帮助系统图像
  • Resource sharing of ris system image data in j . zi . no . one engineering
  • System image preservation utility
  • You can run a single environment with a single system image on a single partition
  • If you are unsatisfied with the alternative images provided , you can customize a selected system image
  • A system image list contains each file , folder , shortcut , etc . which is very handy for creating a custom explore type application
  • Our research project started from 1998 , the goal of which is to develop a practical grid management system with single system image named jobcenter - grid
    我们的研究项目始于1998年,其目标是研制一个具有单一系统映像的网格管理系统jobcenter - grid 。
  • An emulator or virtual machine since it is hard to port the single system image middleware into the windows kernel architecture
    由于难以将单一系统映像( single system image , ssi )中间件移植到windows内核体系结构中,所以我们选择使用模拟器或者虚拟机。
  • System image list - a system image list contains each file , folder , shortcut , etc . which is very handy for creating a custom explore type application
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"system image"造句  


A system image in computing is a copy of the entire state of a computer system stored in some non-volatile form such as a file. A system is said to be capable of using system images if it can be shut down and later restored to exactly the same state.
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